Blog Post Number How to Fight a Gremlin

Morning, hearts and heroes!

Good news. Faced in the first battle, the gremlin was successfully defeated! HUZZAH. But it could not have been done without the help of my unknowing sister.

While walking home from work yesterday, I happened on Facebook (as most people do.) Low and behold, what stands at the top of the list? The best news in ALL CAPS from my sister! I called her immediately to hear all about it and every remnants of the war I’d been fighting with the pesky monster faded as I listened to her tell me all about the good news with such clear and innocent happiness.

Take THAT, gremlin!

Blog Post Number Tuesday

I woke up this morning with a gremlin in my throat.

He’s decided to take up residence there for the time being, despite my repeated attempts to offer him a nicer location such as a porcelain throne. But no, he seems content to stay lodged in the close quarters of my larynx which I can’t imagine to be at all comfortable.

Normally I try to be a hospitable host, desiring to give shelter to all those in need. But the problem with gremlins is their baggage. They are harbingers of discomfort, bringing bad influences in ugly colored carpet bags that have never once seen the color water. They sit around, lazing in their underwater and demand your full attention, no neverminding that you had a life once. Instead they break you down with their demands and despicable whispers until you can’t do much but sit in a pile of discarded dreams.

I woke up this morning with a gremlin in my throat.